About the Business
The geological origins of Keswick, the surrounding area, the landscape of mountains, valleys and lakes, was initially shaped by glacial erosion in the Ice Age. There is evidence of settlement dating back to the Stone Age when Neolithic man used stone axes to making clearings in the forested hills and valleys to grow crops and keep livestock. Three axes were found inside Castlerigg Stone Circle which dates back some four thousand years to around the time of these early farming communities. The Stone Circle's original purpose is unclear; it may have been a trading post, a meeting place for social gatherings, an astronomical observatory or a site of religious ceremonies. Whatever the intended function the site of the circle is superb, completely surrounded by high fells.
Many Scandinavian place names in the area such as "thwaite" (meaning clearing) and "keld" (meaning spring) are indicative of settlement by Norsemen in the 10th Century.
Location & Hours

16 Leonard Street